
Secure Delivery

Guarantee electronic documents are delivered securely to your clients, branded and automatically organized.

Customer convenience

Consumers receive documents in the secure consumer app, Keepd. They take full ownership, just as if they had received them in the post.

Everything is branded and automatically organized to make it easy for them to find things.

Use the API

Our easy-to use API enables to you to automate processes such as sending statements, confirmations, invoices or updated terms of business.

For more information on the API, see here.

Or deliver using email

Our automated server integration allows you to deliver documents by sending emails directly from your existing business email account.

No new apps, no plugins. Simply use your existing email, add the text #deliver anywhere in the email body or subject, and hit send.

Enterprise-grade privacy

StayPrivate security and privacy features include: multi-factor authentication using StayPrivate's patented click-and-PIN technology, AES256 encryption, secure asymmetric encryption algorithms for key exchange (TLS/SSL), suspicious activity alerts, triple geographic redundancy, and robust account-recovery processes.

Pricing that works for you

Pay monthly, cancel any time, no strings attached.
Get started with a 7-day free trial.
£10 per month*
Your branding
Send using either the API or direct from company email
Unlimited users (on the same company domain)
Includes 150 recipients
Includes 20 GB storage
£5 pm for each additional unit of 75 recipients and 10 GB storage*
*Prices exclude taxes.

Specialist pricing?

Contact us for charity, enterprise (over 100 users) or specialist use cases, including read-only emails and permission-based forwarding.

I'm not a robot*
What businesses say about StayPrivate

Trusted by thousands of businesses all around the world.

Don't just take our word for it. See what some of our business users think about StayPrivate.