Secure email, storage,
and document signing
all in one

Enterprise-grade privacy

StayPrivate provides similar privacy, security and legal guarantees to what a large business would expect from their email provider, including multi-factor authentication (using StayPrivate's patented click-and-PIN technology), AES256 encryption, secure asymmetric encryption algorithms for key exchange (TLS/SSL), suspicious activity alerts, triple geographic redundancy, and robust account-recovery processes, as standard.

Automatically organized

Don't stress about struggling to find that customer email.

StayPrivate automatically organizes your emails into private channels, making it so much easier to find, keep track, and pick up old email conversations.

Take control & stay spam-free

StayPrivate automatically blocks nearly all spam and scam emails, leaving only legitimate emails in your inbox.

We maintain a directory of verified domains. All email domains are subject to tight volume limits until they have been actively verified by one of our security experts. This prevents mass phishing campaigns and stops the vast majority of spam and scams.

Document editing and signing

Send document signing requests direct from your email. No more need for your customers to print out documents to sign or forms to fill.

Send encrypted emails

Use full email encryption to ensure important emails stay private, not just in your account and in transit, but also after they arrive at the recipient end too.

Private file storage and sharing

Store documents, files, photos and more in your private vault. Share files securely direct from your account.

Private notes

Store passwords, account details and more in private notes, secure and available on all your devices.

Get started with a 7-day free trial

£10 per month*
Secure, spam-free email
Encrypted email
Private file storage
Private file sharing
Private notes
Document signing requests
Includes 50 GB storage
* Prices exclude VAT. Further units of 25 GB storage are £5 per month.
What our users say about StayPrivate

Don't just take our word for it. See what some some of our users think about StayPrivate.
